Lovely essay. A short note on the structure in private cos point. Because private companies only have price discovery on occasional points, it is simultaneously aiming for a future value, not optimising present day. Without a liquid stock companies optimise for storytelling (future value), employee recruitment and retention (options have a strike price), and ensuring momentum. A downround often makes mathematical sense, but it also creates a negative spiral for these companies, a lot of which are basically being built on hope anyway. Not meaning that negatively, they're literally building things that don't exist yet.

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Trading with an edge is a helpful frame as is the counter.

Doing a blocking of apps and such too. Just paid for freedom which was $75 for lifetime. Loving it so far

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My wife and I watched Limitless and were pretty impressed. Note that I will NOT be climbing up a 100-foot rope, but found it pretty interesting. Loved the aging quote and the discussion of the Alzheimer's gene.

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The rope and crane stuff were chilling to me!

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