Some rules of thumb in this book about Zeckhauser for adults and kids. Great one this week Kris.

Maxims for Thinking Analytically: The wisdom of legendary Harvard Professor Richard Zeckhauser

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I love the idea of being easy to please as freedom. It so often gets twisted into something like not having standards, but being able to be happy/satisfied across a pretty broad distribution of [waves hands] things kind of IS happiness/satisfaction. But it's hard to think of it that way.

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I've heard the idea that intraversion is like being constantly internally stimulated so that external stimulation isn't craved as much. That sounds like pretty reductionist nonsense but it does make me wonder about the need for stimulation. If dopamine is the drug of "seeking" I wonder how it plays into this. I don't really ever feel bored and would classify myself as an extravert but my happiness set point is like golden retriever levels. Easy af to please (and also generally a pleaser personality too which is super-double-edged)

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